
anthony be mine

i love france because

comic sans is a legitimate font for a web app.

zipf’s law

george kingsley zipf

zipf’s law – well, it’s not really a law.  it’s an observation, that many naturally occurring phenomena follow the same mathematical distribution.  these are things …

airman gast

airman gast

airman gast.  2010.03.26 9.50am, lackland afb, san antonio, tx.

palm springs, ca

2010.03.20 9.12pm, palm springs, ca.

2010.03.20 9.12pm, palm springs, ca.

helen estabrook produces a film from austin’s sxsw

helen estabrook produces a film from austin's sxsw

2010.03.12 6.38pm, austin, tx.

its own interior rhythm

still from Tim Blake Nelson's Leaves of Grass

i just saw tim blake nelson’s leaves of grass. it has its own charm in its obvious exposition and symbolism, and so it’s not as eye-rolling …


still from lady gaga's telephone

say what you will, but: this perfectly encapsulates this moment.  in fashion, in style, in the body, in celebrity, in film, in commerce, in humor, …

brack's last bachelor party

Brack's Last Bachelor Party

my theme for sam marks’s brack’s last bachelor party.

for instance

david foster wallace

For instance, if I’m hanging out with you, I can’t even tell whether I like you or not because I’m too worried about whether you …